torsdag 29. mai 2014


We were a bit early for the ferry from Moskenes so we checked if it was possible to walk from Hamnøy in to the fjord just below Olstinden and it was no problem. I wanted to go there this winter but some people said it is not possible to go without boat. We entered the ferry and I looked forward to try waffels with brown cheese (which I was told is typical norwegian ferry food) but to my disappointment they didn't have any? It was on the menu but not possible to buy. The ferry trip was beautiful and weather was like the most gorgeous summer day. From the harbour we went to Nordlandshagen past the old airport which was closed after the accident in 1990. We also saw the old church which was moved here from Kabelvåg. We pitched the tent and made dinner, then we went to look for the small planet Pluto, it should be blue but we couldn't find it.

Hamnøy. *
Across Olstinden.  *
On the ferry. Mosken in the back. *
Ready for MS Værøy.
Time to bike!  *
Væerøy south side.
Værøy south side.  *
Heading up Gammelskaret pass.  *
 Gammelskaret pass.
Værøy north side.  *
You can see the airport tower.
Camp at Nordlandshagen.
Abandoned house. *
Nordlandshagen and Mosken.
(*= Pictures by Andreas C.)

Værøy has 750 inhabitants. 43 % of them works with fish. The uninhabitated island Mosken also belongs to Værøy.

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