tirsdag 11. juni 2013

Leaving for Norway

I had a cold so I didn't do much the last days, just hanging out with my dad on the island (Hönö) and feeling weak. But yesterday I went to town in the afternoon, made a last stop at my favourite; Ekostore to get some essentials like chia and hempseeds. Then I walked home to Golaleh and had a farewell dinner or as she called it see-each-other-again-soon-dinner. That's really positive think I'm gonna use that one from now on. We had fresh fried asparagus with halloumi and tomatoes, a glass of wine and she made us apple pie with vanilla ice cream. So delicious! Also in Nissedal I had another broken tent pole so I decided it was time to buy a new tent because I really need it. Unfortunately I didn't manage to get it in time. But a very good friend of mine let me borrow his (thanks Mike, you saved me!). So first stop is Oslo.

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