onsdag 31. august 2016

Ready for expedition Baltics

Packed and ready to go.
New interesting acquaintances.
Alex with his fat bike. 
Port of Klaipeda.
Our cabin with sea view!
Since Annika forgot her stuff we had to get up early. She walked the dog. We had breakfast and then went to Hertered to pick up her last stuff. Then we packed the bike and went to the train station. We met this guy with two dogs who was raw vegan. And we met Alex - a danish guy extremely obsessed with lightweight equipment. He was riding a fat bike and had been on the road 3 weeks in south of Norway. It was interesting talking to him and learn about new things but I think he was to the extreme. He had the smallest kitchen I have ever seen and he didn't even have underwear to change or maybe he didn't have any at all? I'm not sure now. But I got the impression that he worked in a boring office with shirt and tie so I guess he just needed some adrenaline and just bought a new toy. It sounded like it was his first trip. But it's good anyway even if we have two very different views of cycle touring. We arrived to Karlshamn and went to the port for the ferry.

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