lørdag 6. august 2016

Adventures in west

German bikers.
Tea in Reine.
Exploring new trails. 
Photo: Merete
Another Wangaard project.
Wangaards rorbu.
Looking around.
I could live here... 
Friday I visited some friends in Skjelfjord then on saturday Merete picked me up in Ramberg and we went to her house in Reine. We were thinking of Støvla but suddenly it was all grey and dark. Anyway we went to explore another side of the area. We followed the trail to Trolldalsvatnet where it ended and then continued to Himmelheia where we could have a glimpse of Trolldalstind and Ertenhelltind. Then we went to see the house that Waangard built which wasn't actually finished. I was told it was for sale some years ago for 4 million but it doesn't seem like anyone bought it. But the rorbu was really cozy. Then we were lucky enough to be invited for bacalao to some friends of M that has a house in Å.

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