mandag 22. juni 2015

Day 8

The alarm went off at 02.00 am. Feels like I just went to sleep. We planned to leave at 3 am but it was probably 03.30 before we finally went. It was really beautiful morning. The ukrainian guys went at the same time. They have been here for 4 days now waiting for good weather. It was strenuous. Really slow upwards. At 5145 we decided to turn. Me, Terje and Andreas. Weather was not very good. I was really tired and worn and realized this was not a good day for traversing to southern summit. I have already been to the east summit. Somehow I lost motivation and the decision to turn was not very hard. Winds got stronger and the fog spread out so we hardly could see anything. The ukranian guys also turned. Down by the tents we went into our sleepingbags and fell asleep almost instantly since we were so tired. Later Terje came to our tent and we melted a lot of snow together as we had tea. Around 5 pm Sigvald and Terje came back. They made it to east summit!

Early morning.
Almost ready to go.
Photo: Sigvald
So beautiful.
Looking really small.
Andreas and Sigvald in front.
Terje and Andreas.
Me and Terje. Photo: Sigvald
We decide to turn.

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