mandag 22. desember 2014


We had breakfast and watched Olav while Øystein drove Marianne to work and we waited for the shops to open. I bought new gaiters and a pair of new climbing shoes since my old ones are really worn by now. We also had to get some samples of the new local beer from the micro brewery. Andreas also had some gifts to buy for christmas and then we stopped by his parents and they offered lunch so we stayed a while. Then we went to the neighbours (friends of Andreas) and we had some coffee and norwegian white christmas cookies. I didn't know it at first but their dad was Kjell Ove Storvik, photographer which has a lot of experience from polar expeditions so he showed some pictures and we had a look at his rifle, the kind you need for protection against polar bears. He said it was a light one but I thought it was heavy (but then I never held a firearm in my entire life). That was interesting but finally we headed home to Vestvågøy because tomorrow is work day!

Andreas and Marianne.
The taste of raw nature.

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