fredag 18. oktober 2013

The winter is here

This morning it was still snowing and the ride to work was ok except from the hilly parts I had to walk because the wheels didn't get a grip, they were just spinning. Work was fun and then after work I had already decided to go to Leknes looking for wintertires. But it was totally dangerous on the roads now...smooth as an ice rink. So I walked some parts and cycled really careful some parts but then came a lot of wind and hails so it was safest to walk. Almost in Leknes, I got a text from my neighbour wondering if I needed a ride home? When I got to the shop they told me they were out of tires and will get new supplies on monday! So I left my bike there and got a ride home with my neighbour. While it was snowing outside I made hoummus, cooked dinner and also made some raw chocolate! Mike came around 22 pm.

On my way to work.
The road between Gravdal and Leknes
My neighbours.
My neighbours.
The house.
My cute raw chocolate monsters!
 Majesty - Madrugada

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