lørdag 26. oktober 2013

Camping in the north valley

Unstad forest
Norddalen (north valley)
Gyda on the way up.
Just resting... (not like I was falling or anything...)

Making sparks.
Our basecamp.

First tent night for Frost.
Unstad at 5 am
Gyda picked me up in Hattvika and we went to Unstad. Hiking up through the small forest (quite rare here in Lofoten) and up the north valley where we choose a camping spot, left our stuff and continued further up the valley to Grytdalstinden, 536 m. We went down and pitched our tent just as dusk arrived. Then we went twice to the forest until we had enough firewood. Then we made dinner and had some wine. Frost was kind of confused because he is still a baby (even though the size of a grizzly bear) and this was his first time in tent. He did all kinds of weird things and it was a bit chaotic since he insisted to sleep inside and it took some time before he got calm. Then we woke up at 5 am (or actually 4 since we just reversed the clock) Frost was wide awake, spirited and wanted to play. No use try sleeping any more so we went up and outside to make coffee. It was pitch dark so we walked with our head torches down the valley and back through the forest to Unstad.  

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