søndag 29. september 2013


Happy shining sunday! I went out when everyone else still sleeping. I was too restless and it was a beautiful morning. I only intended to go for a small hike just up the closest hill but the lure of the mountains is always stronger so I went further to Isvasstinden and almost to summit. I got stuck just meters below summit and couldn't find the way. I tried three different ways but none of them felt safe so I thought I better return down for breakfast because I'm gonna get hungry soon. (This can only mean that I must come back to this magic place again). When I came down just after 10 am, everyone was awake and we had breakfast. Now I was really hungry! Then we wrote in the book and cleaned up the hut before going down to our kayaks.

GS sleeping like a baby...
Early morning light towards Isvasstind
Beautiful cottongrass
Everyone gathered for departure.
Me and Marcela in the valley. Photo: TL
The sign.
Me in the blue kayak. Photo: GS
The beautiful Troll fjord.
Many possible climbing routes.
Back to Tennstrand. 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Åh vad härligt det ser ut! Vilket väder och vilken miljö!!

  2. Ja det var en fin plats. Vi får definitivt ta turen dit nån gång!
