søndag 1. september 2013

Lofoten Turlag

Happy shining sunday! And I am going for my first hike with Lofoten Turlag. I am so excited! I left home on my bike at 9 am and it took me 1,5 hours to Napp. I met up with the others and to my surprise there was my neighbour Morten. I've just seen him a couple of times but never really introduced myself so now was a good time. We were 15 in total. Kirsten said we were supposed to be 25 but some fell away because they believed the weather was going to be bad or just had a hangover. Anyway the weather was perfect today and to meet so many great people all at once. We went for 6 peaks (Store Klauva, Lille Klauva, Merra, Hestræva, Andopshesten and Bulitinden) and it took us almost 9 hours. Then I got a ride home with the bike back on the car and my neighbour invited me for dinner when I got back. People are so friendly!

Supergreens, beepollen & cardamom
Startingpoint Napp
Heading for Store Klauva
Going up and down...
View over Kilan 
I was afraid the dog would fall down

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