lørdag 5. mars 2016


Selfjord cabin.
Heading up Mörkvasstind.
View over Selfjord.
Ridge between Litljordtind & Kjerringa.
Ridge to Kitinden.
Looking down at Kvalvika.
Heading up Kitind.
Time for crampons.
Kvalvika in the back.
Last ridge to Kitind.
This is where we turned...
This morning we started late. Maybe we drank too much wine yesterday. Anyway we took the skis back to the car and repacked and took the skis first part until it got too steep. Then we walked. It took us 4 hours up to the point where we turned. It was not far from the summit which is 757 m. But there was a very exposed part which might have been possible but we both had this bad feeling in the stomach. If we brought the climbing gear it would be piece of cake but it we fall here it will be bad. So instead we turned and we will come back again.

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