lørdag 25. april 2015


Finally it is friday and we are going for a hike! We went to Å and it kept raining almost the entire evening. But when we reached Ågdalen it finally stopped and we pitched our tent. The next day we went up the snow chute next to Mannen. There had been an avalanche before but we kept close to the rock and got up to the ridge between Mannen and Gjerdtindan. Then it was time for crampons heading up Mannen. It was so beautiful up there since you could see down to Ånstad on the left, Refsvika to the right and the outermost part of Lofoten, also Mosken and Værøy. Amazing!

Basecamp Ågdalen.
Heading for Mannen (The Man)
Heading up the snow chute 500 m.
Photo: A Christiansen.
The ridge.
Mighty Gjærtinden in the back.
Photo: A Christiansen.
Photo: A Christiansen.
Photo: A Christiansen.
Heading down.
Photo: A Christiansen.

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