fredag 18. juli 2014

It's time to go

So now my stuff is packed and the rest at the storage room. I'm leaving the keys today and working my last day this summer. Tonight I'll be couchsurfing at Andreas place and tomorrow we are heading for Halti! The journey will continue at this address:

tirsdag 15. juli 2014

Unexpected visit from the south...

Today Knut came and we went camping next to Offersøykammen. At midnight the sea mist gushed in over land and soon we were surrounded by it without any sight whatsoever. Then the rain came and the morning after we had breakfast and then off to work.



mandag 14. juli 2014

Me and my bike...

have a special relationship. It's hard to describe but it's like a true companion. Now I wanted to change some parts before the trip but my local dealer couldn't get a hold of these and I am totally lost when it comes to this myself. So I surrendered and decided to get a new bike. I'm gonna use it for sure. But it feels like I am leaving an old friend behind. And I am trying to get along with this new one. It will probably take a little time but it will be ok I think. And the other one can just rest until winter I guess.

The old one.
The new one.

søndag 13. juli 2014






Another hot day in Moskenes, what to do but go hiking a new steep peak at Reine? So me and H went to Hammarskaftet and the view was so amazing you just wanted to sit there forever and you can se right in to Kirkefjord and Bunesfjord. We followed the ridge up to Navaren, but it was kind of steep grassclimbing and I'm not so fond of that so I turned maybe 150 m below summit and went down.

lørdag 12. juli 2014


It was a hot, hot, hot day and I went with Lofoten Turlag on a hike from Sørvågen. Meeting interesting new people and we finished with an ice cream at Reine.





søndag 6. juli 2014

Hot sunday



Today was to hot to be inside or rather to hot to do anything...but now I had to get out so I went to Haukland and it was crowded so I went a bit further to my special place where only a few people found their way. Barefoot in the sand and cooling my feet in the water. And so the day went by...

lørdag 5. juli 2014

Almost Saupstadtinden



Today I went to Bøstad. It is SO HOT and Mona tempted me with fresh watermelon and cold lime water before we went hiking. We were going to Saupstadtinden which I though she would handle but in the end it got to steep and scary for her so we sat down and enjoyed the lovely view over Unstad before we went down again. I had a nice ride home and got a little too much sun on my shoulders...

fredag 4. juli 2014

Øvre Heimredalsvatna

Gate to keep the sheeps inside.
Just above Øvre Heimredalsvatna.
Trail starts just by the power station.
Time for coffe.
Norwegian style with brown cheese.
It's friday! Me and Gyda went to Eggum this beautiful evening since I wanted to explore a new place. This time without Frost even though I think he would have made the steep path with no problem. There was a lot of firewood up there but we decided to go down to the ocean where we found a whole pallet and then not very much more. We tried to make a campfire but it didn't work so well. Luckily we still had primus so we could make coffee! I also bought us waffles in the snack bar just as they were closing. It was me, Gyda, a lot of sheep and a LOT of those mobile home tourists. They are just invading Lofoten and destroying the whole beautiful nature image with their ugly mobile homes...

onsdag 2. juli 2014

Kayaking at Ure



I am starting to recover from lack of sleep and a million infernal itchy bites from horseflies. Back to my habitual state again and ready to go kayaking with Gyda and her brother. It was such a beautiful evening and I got home just after midnight.